Archive for ‘Stockpiling’

June 25, 2010

Mutiple Coupons/Stockpiling

We Use Coupons, which has taught me a lot, recommends about 5 sets of coupons each week. Why so many? It is all about buying when the prices are the lowest. Typically, stores run around a 6-12 week sales cycle. Prices fluctuate weekly so the goal is to buy the item at the lowest price during the cycle. Then stock up enough that you don’t have to buy any until it is low again. To be the most efficient in doing this you need to have multiple coupons for that item. 


I use 1 container of Tide each month. Meaning I need 3 to last me through a 12 week cycle. It goes on sale and I buy 3 Tides with 3 manufacture coupons and 3 store coupons! (see here about stacking coupons) I just saved a ton of money and I don’t have to worry about Tide for 3 months! 

Now if you can afford it, buy 4 instead of 3 then you have one extra. Eventually, build up to having a stockpile or supply of 6-12 months of different items! 

Great items to stockpile: toilet paper, detergents, shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, paper towels etc… You can also stockpile food! 

Need more coupons check out my post here! 

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